City of Clinton, NC
CDBG Community Revitalization
Project Title
City of Clinton, NC CDBG Russell Street Community Revitalization/Incentives Program
Funding Years
Funding/Construction Amount
Funding Agency
NC Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance
Project Description
The project included improvement to water and sewer lines (including City matching funds), as well as the rehabilitation and reconstruction of homes in the neighborhood. Five dilapidated homes were cleared through the project. Towards the end of the project, the City secured an additional $320,000 to expand the project area and replace two and rehabilitate four additional homes. The City had installed infrastructure recently to these homes through another infrastructure grant. All properties were inspected for lead-based paint or asbestos as part of their treatment and any hazards were mitigated. The overall grant total (using the $320,000 incentives program) of $1,170,000 was one of the largest projects in the State of North Carolina small cities program at the time. This project was completed in 2012.