Town of Edenton, NC
North Oakum Street & Moseley Street Redevelopment Plans
Project Title
Town of Edenton, NC
North Oakum Street and Moseley Street Redevelopment Plans
Year Completed
Funding Agency
Locally funded
Project Description
The Town of Edenton hired Insight Planning and Development staff to complete two separate Redevelopment Plans within the Historic District. The North Oakum Street Redevelopment Area has both Historic residential structures as well as an area of commercial development that was not Historic in nature. The purpose of the Redevelopment area was to preserve the Historic housing, offering affordable and standard housing to middle income owners and renters in the Town, as well as re-establish the commercial corridor on Oakum Street with viable neighborhood-oriented businesses. Safety was a prime concern in the area, so the Town invested in the area by placing a neighborhood police station on Oakum St. Some commercial structures were targeted for demolition because they were vacant and dilapidated.
The Town of Edenton won the 2020 Marvin Collins Award from the North Carolina American Planning Association for the implementation of the North Oakum Street Redevelopment Plan, specifically referencing the preservation of this primarily minority area of Edenton.
The Moseley Street Redevelopment Area Plan was adopted at the same time and was a solely residential area on the edge of the Edenton Historic District. Significant private investment has seen at least half of the residential structures in the area renovated. Additionally, some new construction has occurred in the area since the Plan’s implementation. With streets, water, and sewer already available, this infill development as well as renovation of existing structures has added affordable housing units to the Town’s housing stock, in an area within just a few blocks of the Downtown area.